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What is Workflow?
Workflow is the automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant or functional area  to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. Workflow is the next logical step in a content management solution. First you organize and electronically store your content, including paper documents. The next step is to eliminate the creation of paper in your business process

Benefits of automated workflow:

  • Improved efficiency - automation of  business processes results in the elimination of many unnecessary steps
  • Better process control - improved management of business processes achieved through standardizing working methods and the availability of audit trails
  • Improved customer service – consistency in the processes leads to greater predictability response to customers
  • Flexibility – software control over processes enables their re-design in line with changing business needs
  • Business process improvement - focus on business processes leads to their streamlining and simplification
  • Regulatory compliance.  Most laws require an audit trail of information that comes in and out of your enterprise.  Today it is a must to have ongoing capability to conform with our changing legal environment.

Many of the solutions offered by Paper Business Systems can provide for sophisticated workflow processes. Our experienced consultants will evaluate your current process and design an electronic workflow system to meet you specific business needs. And it won't cost you a fortune.

Automated Workflow
